How can I contact Likha directly?
You can contact Likha by filling out a “Contact Us” form. This form can be found our website.
How can I apply online for scholarship?
In order to apply online please visit the website through URL“www.likha.com” form. This form can be found to the right of both the institute and education program profiles and also at the bottom of these profiles.
Is there any capitation fee?
No. There is no capitation fee. You only need to pay tuition and other fees which have been mentioned in the fee schedule. For more details please view our Course Fee Page
After getting the information regarding the courses and fulfilling the eligibility criteria, the student can apply for any number of courses by paying required registration amount for reserving the seat.
When the CS Exam is held?
examinations are held in June and December every year.
What is qualifying marks?
A candidate is declared to have passed the Foundation / Executive / Professional examination, if he/she secures at one sitting a minimum of 40% marks in each paper and 50% marks in the aggregate of all subjects.
English, Malayalam.
Once the candidate has paid the amount to reserve the seat, the Provisional Admission Certificate is issued by the institution. In case the candidate needs education loan, Bona-fide & Expenditure statement is provided to him/her by the institution enabling to process for the Education loan.